Monday, October 11, 2010



You are growing and becoming a young lady, the time passes so swiftly. Daddies little girl, mamas little Lady, Our Rae of sunshine. You are almost always so easy going, you enjoy life and are much like your mother in the aspect that paying attention and not going off into your own world is a constant battle. We are working very hard on paying attention and fallowing through with our tasks. You however are very spirited, and a tom boy through and through but you do have a girly streak in you as well. You enjoy the great outdoors, climbing trees, old farm equipment, working with your daddy, any thing that has to do with Guns, bow n' arrows, Cowboys and Indians, sports, anything that has to do with the color pink, princesses, and babies. Those things are right at the top of your "extremely amazing things" list. For your birthday you got a gift card and you bought two dart guns and two princesses for your new doll house my kind of girl!!

You are quick to follow in your sisters steps it took her until she was almost four before she could open the front door on her own, you were about a month behind her, She just learned to ride her bike without training wheels so we put the training wheels on your new bike you got for your 5th birthday and two days later you were riding Ellies bike around without any training wheels. We thus removed them from your bike and put them on Gentry's. however Ellie loves school and learning and you not so much you are interested but you do not crave school and learning like Ellie. You enjoy animals, But you'd much rather be shooting arrows at a target then sitting and petting the dog. or Chasing the turkeys around the yard pretending that is thanksgiving and its time for a Turkey dinner (you do not harm them but pretending to hunt them down is always a blast). Our last puppy got ran over and you cried right along with Ellie and I , We really loved that little guy.

You've always got a great smile and a hug and kiss to share, you often take it upon your self to take Abby out of her crib and hold her tell she stops crying (I think she expects to be held to much with two very doting sisters around). Your often asking me when I'm gonna have another baby so you can help take care of him/her. We bought a larger car the other day and you were so excited and informed me very seriously that there is two extra seats and that mommy can now have twins. Mommy wasn't quite as excited as you were about that thought. Your best bud and confidant is Gentry, you and him are stuck like glue you are there to pick him back up when he falls, or hurts himself, and he for you. Ellie is your best friend and heroin, she is a great big sister and you are a wonderful little sister I love listening to the sweet little sister, big sister chats you often have. Kesten and you are partners in crime if there's something to get into you and him are right there to take care of it. You often try to baby him and he does not like that so much but he puts up with it!! You love cooking and spending time with momma in the kitchen I think you'll be our little chef someday!!! your always asking me "can we make some cookies", "can I help poor that in", "momma the waters boiling", Can I help you wash the dishes". I have to often remind myself that I must let you help even if its easier for me to just do it myself. You love to tag along with daddy, cutting wood, or work on the house, hand him tools, or go out for daddy daughter dates to Sandy's. Daddy is your hero and you've always been his baby girl. from the moment you were born Daddy was wrapped around your little finger. you are a blessing to us all.

You are slow to anger and quick to forgive. but boy you better watch out when you are angered. Daddy for some reason really knows how to get your goat. and that above all else bothers you most. you are working hard on excepting the teasing that daddy gives you and the rest of the kids, as it is all in fun!! you love to wrestle and love to play dress up. The love you have for Christ is Growing each day and it is so wonderful to see. you often state Momma God made this or that isn't God so wonderful, your learning to pray on your own to God oft times you freeze and forget what you were about to say, but God knows your heart and what you mean. Even if the words your looking for don't come to your lips. Bethy boo you are our joy and our blessing. we love you so much and hope you continue to enjoy life and Grow in Christ.

~Your Momma~

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