Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who ever said a house wife wasn't a real job?

Apparently never cleaned up a melted bag of Rice Crispys from under the Burner, that had been left on simmer! Change three poopy diapers from two kids, Cleaned up brown sugar that had been dumped on top of thier oldest sons head, by their youngest son! Changed the bedding on two pee'd toddler beds, gave three bathes, and feed five kids. All before 7:30 am.

I love my Job!! Seriously I do I feel sorry for the mothers out there that have to leave their children with a babysitter. I can't imagine missing all the sweet smiles and kisses I receive in a day. or watching your two year old run as fast as his short little legs will take him across the yard just to show the other kids how fast he can run. Or to kiss a booboo even if it's not real! or too lay them down for a nap and come back five min. later to check on them and stand there for awhile to just watch them sleep!!! I am so blessed to be a Home Maker!!! I love the fact that I'm there to teach my kids and not someone else, that I yes, I get to choose what they learn, what they eat, how they interact with each other. To see the spark in their eyes when they learn something new or the giggles that come out sporadically through out the day! I am so thankful for a supportive family and Church.

Sure there are times when I wish I could just have some me time and I don't get it! Times that I want to just go shopping by my self, or I want to go out with friends but can't. Go on a long run but don't have anyone to stay with the kids. But then someone comes up to me and says mommy can I help you? Mommy I Love you. Mama can I sit with you? Mama if I kiss you will you love me forever?? and all of those I wants don't seem so important anymore!!! God Has given me a wonderful life! beautiful kids, a Loving and faithful Husband I am Blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. Amber, this is so true! What a blessing to be able to enjoy all those special things that someday you will look back and see a blur. It is great that you are blogging so you can remember them! I'm proud of you and all you do!
