Friday, August 27, 2010


A dear friend of mine writes letters to her girls every so often to update them on how they are growing what kinds of sweet things they say and do! So she has inspired me to begin my own account (Thanks Gretchen) starting with........................

Ellie, Dear sweet Ellie.

You have grown so much. life with you is a joy and a blessing you have a giving heart your always there to help, to instruct (even when its out of your domain) :), you Love being the big sister you adore your Baby sister Abby and she you!! you often tell me that Gentry and Kesten are you best buddies!! and Beth she's your best friend!! Daddy is your hero and you are always thinking of sweet things to do for him!! you always are wanting to serve others!! your always there when someone gets hurt, or needs help.

Your starting to grow up. you notice things that the others don't. such as the change in weather quote "mama it's fall it's fall, its not like it used to be it smells like bacon outside and its cold just like when its fall, because its fall its fall" you notice when mommy has baked something or cleaned the a certain spot in the house that has been left unattended for to long. or when you point out the fact that your dresses are getting just a bit to short! you adore animals You've been working so hard on training your goat for the fair this year, you often remind me when its time to take her out of the pen and walk her. you were the first to notice that shadow had her puppies, and then again when Suzy had hers, and then when they started opening their eyes, and every chance you get your right in the rabbit barn holding this baby or that!!

learning is so fun for you!! every book you see and or picture you notice you want to know about!! you recently just informed me "mama you've got to teach me more I really really want to be able to right letters to my friend and read to myself" you've been soaking in all the information I've been giving you on how to show a goat. when to plant a garden, how much salt to put in pickles, how long to snap beans, how much money you've earned from this special job or that and how much you've saved.

you love the lord when it was your birthday you were a bit disappointed that not many people were going to show up! but then later you thought about it and told me how much more important Easter was and that you needed to just be thankful. at prayer time you always are first to volunteer to pray!! bible time is a big one for you!! you never want to miss it even if we get home super late and you slept half the way home your ready to wake up and read the bible story for that night! and when mama or daddy says not tonight your disappointed!!

Dear sweet Ellie your growing into quit a young lady, your mama and Daddy are very proud of you and are certainly blessed to have you.

Your mama